The People’s Pharmacy

One of my favorite sources of medical news, insights, and in-depth, unbiased reporting is The People’s Pharmacy, by Joe and Terry Graedon. This podcast has over 1000 episodes, all available for free on their website. Over the years I have often learned about medical breakthroughs and alternative ways of viewing health issues by listening to their work. Beyond that, I love to listen to their discussions as I drive to North Carolina to visit my family, when I garden in my backyard, or take my dog for a walk. It is both entertaining and educational, and I recommend it to everyone interested in health and the broader medical world.


I have always appreciated their slogan, “Empowering you to make wise decisions about your own health, by providing you with essential health information about both medical and alternative treatment options”, as it perfectly aligns with my own mission in my practice and my community. I particularly love this podcast for similar reasons. Joe and Terry do not simply regurgitate common medical knowledge or practices. Rather, they deeply consider and investigate the realities of our health care system, our pharmaceuticals, and new medical threats and discoveries. For a broader, more holistic and realistic view of how medicine works in our country and around the world, you could not pick a better program.  

Hosts of The People’s Pharmacy, Joe and Terry Graedon. Photo by Briana Brough, The Chapel Hill Magazine.