Probiotic Protection
Antibiotics are not without risk, especially to your gastro-intestinal system.
Antibiotics kill bacteria, both the ones we want to kill and the ones that keep our digestive systems healthy. After using antibiotics, people have fewer health- promoting bacteria and yeasts and become prone to diarrhea and yeast infections. To avoid problems, I suggest you use probiotics while you are on the antibiotics and for 4 weeks after you are done. Be sure you get a good brand and follow the directions about refrigeration.
In addition to probiotics, you can protect your digestive system by eating 2-3 servings of probiotic containing foods a day. Probiotic containing foods are fermented and must be served raw and unheated to preserve their bacteria. Some excellent fermented options include:
- Yogurt
- Kefir
- Kombucha tea
- Kim Chi
- Tempeh
- Miso
- Unpasteurized saur kraut
Can I take Antibiotics at the Same Time as My Probiotics?
No! It is very important to realize that antibiotics are inactivated by probiotics and vice versa. Ideally, take your antibiotics and wait at least a full hour for it to absorbed from your digestive system and into your bloodstream. Then enjoy fermented foods or probiotics.