Moving Toward Better Health

You will get well faster the more you focus on some things you can do starting NOW to improve your overall health and get you moving toward feeling better. When people have complex problems that involve multiple parts of their bodies, seldom does any single intervention fix it. Otherwise all the specialists you have seen would have provided that treatment. Your body is suffering from a deep-rooted inflammation. It is not yet clear if that is from an infection or something you are breathing into your body or to something that you are eating. We are testing now to see what we can learn. Nothing we can learn will lead to an easy fix.  

Focus on the reasons that you want to improve your health.  What do you want your health for and what will you do once you have your health?  Imagine yourself already well and enjoying these things. 

Feed your body only things that will nourish and repair. A healthy diet consists of lots of colorful vegetables. This should be the largest portion of your plate. Avoid simple carbs because fast burn carbohydrates will not provide as much nourishment as they cause damage to your system.

Move toward minimizing medications. You cannot come off of meds on your own or rapidly, but by moving and eating healthfully you can move toward needing fewer and fewer meds. Any medication you take will cause your liver to work, using up vital nutrients that could otherwise help you heal.   If you need medications to control blood pressure, mood, blood sugar or cholesterol it is a sign that your body is not getting what it needs for a natural balance. Often when people have such symptoms, many things are out of balance besides the few things that we are easily able to measure. Eating colorful vegetables healthy fats nuts and healthy meats is a huge step toward getting off you healthier, which is the first step toward getting you to stop needing “maintenance” meds.

Drink plenty of clean water.  

Go outside and breathe some clean fresh air every day.  Walk around. Look at the natural world and enjoy the awe you feel.  

Move, stretch, move some more. Using your body is a key to feeling good. Gentle exercise, preferably several times per day, will help you tremendously.  Keep hope that you will get better and that getting better is worth making changes.

Find ways to feel calm and centered.  The molecules your immune system uses for inflammation and the molecules of stress and sadness are the same. While I do not believe that your problem is in your imagination, I do believe that your imagination can be a tremendous help to you. Imagine yourself feeling great, laughing, moving, eating healthy food. Any time you laugh or speak kindly to yourself or feel hopeful you are generating molecules that help your brain and your body heal.