Accountability Buddies

When I am trying to make a change, like exercising more or avoiding chocolate for a month, one thing I try to do is find a person to support my change. I am not asking that they manage my behavior or that they challenge me, simply that they be aware that I am trying to have more discipline and may need someone to feel accountable to. This is to help me stay in line. Often, knowing someone is aware of my intentions makes my efforts seem more important and manageable.

In order to not pass on the burden of managing your goals to your friends or family, it important to ask specifically for what you need.

For example:

Goal: To stop eating after dinnertime is over. 

Say: It would help me a lot if you would…

  • ask me nicely if I want company if you see me headed to the kitchen,
  • ask me after dinner whether I’d like to play a game or go for a walk,
  • let me text you if I feel anxious and start to head for some food,
  • text me at 8pm and ask how my evening is going,
  • avoid eating around me after dinner,
  • ask me in a week how I’m doing with my efforts to achieve my goal.

Remember to check in with your buddy! They may be busy and forget to check in with you, so take on that task for yourself. Also, offer to be their accountability buddy in return, almost everyone has something they want to work on. It can also be very rewarding for your buddy to hear about your progress – and remember to thank them for their support as you move forward!